LineSlip Year in Review: 10 Notable Things that Happened in 2022

LineSlip's 2022 Year in Review

As 2022 is coming to an end, it is important to reflect on what we’ve accomplished and look at the year critically to know what we can do better next year. LineSlip, as a company, went through unprecedented growth this past year. Here are some of LineSlip’s 2022 highlights: 

1. Further established LineSlip in the world of Insurtech

Since LineSlip’s inception, our goal has been to modernize how risk professionals understand and manage their insurance program data—and transform the way they manage risk. We would be lying if we said it’s been easy to raise awareness in an industry that is very committed to doing things “how they’ve always been done.” Nevertheless, we’ve continued to march onward, driven by the transformations we’ve seen our product facilitate.  

Each year, we continue to further cement LineSlip in the world of Insurtech, adding more bricks to the foundation we’ve built. This year, we’ve been featured in various industry publications and bylines and have continued to see an increase in word-of-mouth referrals and new clients.  

Although our influence in the world of Insurtech is hard to quantify, we feel an immense amount of pride when we meet new people or attend an event and hear people say, “Yes, I’ve heard of LineSlip.”   

We’re excited to see the impact we’ll make in the world of Insurtech in 2023. 

2. Grew the headcount of our internal team

Every startup knows all too well talent means everything when you have a lean team. Internally, we witnessed the most growth to the LineSlip team in our company’s short history. In 2022, we’ve added over 20 individuals to our company in all functions from marketing, sales, customer success, product, and more, bringing our total headcount to over 40 individuals. This is an outstanding feat, given that we’ve nearly doubled our team in just one year and that we were nothing but a mere idea a couple of years back. As our team continues to grow, our company has been enriched by a diversity of experiences and opinions.  

As the company scales, we’re cautious of the typical pains most startups deal with, such as becoming more siloed. As a result, we’ve been putting in a lot of effort to bridge our different functions and find ways to collaborate better. Across our different functions, we’ve also made a push to improve our internal processes and become more metrics-driven so we can have a better framework to quantify our successes.  

3. Expanded our customer base and LineSlip evangelists 

All of us at LineSlip know we would be nothing if it weren’t for our customers. Our customers are our lifeline, and they mean everything to us. This year, we’ve been showing our target audiences our product’s capabilities to let them know there is a better way to manage risks. From our efforts, we’ve seen steady growth in our customer base, including Macy’s, Novavax, Alcority, and more. 

Even more surprising to us was the increase in the number of LineSlip evangelists. They’re the people that sing praises about us to their network. They’re the ones that raise their hands and are happy to be part of our co-marketing efforts. They’re the ones that participate in our beta tester program for our new features. They’re the ones that are sharing our posts on social media. They’re the ones that believe in our product offerings.  

As the number of our customer base and evangelists grows, we’re happy to see that more people are using our platform and that it’s making a difference in how risk managers operate on a day-to-day basis.  

4. Complete rebranding and new website design

With the number of companies out there, first impressions mean everything when you want to stand out. Earlier this year, we decided it was time for LineSlip to get a much-needed facelift. Our marketing team worked with the Branx Agency to completely transform the original LineSlip brand. Once we decided on the branding we wanted, we used it to create an entirely new website, which can be seen today. We are absolutely thrilled to have branding that reflects us as a company, and we may be biased but we love our brand colors!   

5. Attended more industry events

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, industry events have been scarce. But in 2022, we saw the return of in-person events. As soon as events made a comeback, we took advantage of any opportunity to meet new people and showcase the LineSlip platform.  

One of the most memorable events we attended was the RIMS Riskworld 2022 in San Francisco. You can read about our experience here.  

In addition to the RIMS national conference, we also attended a handful of RIMS regional conferences and chapter meetings across the country.  

To say that we were ecstatic to be hitting the road again is an understatement. As a team, we were incredibly grateful for the opportunity to connect with people face-to-face and to continue building relationships. 

6. Continual updates to the LineSlip platform  

Our product team has been working nonstop on updating our current functionalities, building out new features, and working around the clock to make the LineSlip platform more powerful for our end users. The ongoing process has yielded incredible results that our clients can see as soon as they log on.  

Out of the many updates, our biggest launch this year was our TCOR dashboards. We received the 2022 Innovation Award from Business Insurance for the feature, and we heard many great feedback from our launch customers. To celebrate the launch, we hosted a virtual roundtable webinar, "Total Cost of Risk: How to Communicate About the Big Picture", which can be viewed here (passcode: U3y@3vau). 

7. One significant partnership 

One of our biggest focuses this year was to build more strategic partnerships to better serve our target markets.  

The most notable partnership we’ve formed this year was with Riskonnect, a leader in integrated risk management (IRM) solutions. From this partnership, LineSlip’s AI technology was integrated directly into Riskonnect’s Risk Management Information System (RMIS), which enables Riskonnect RMIS users to leverage the LineSlip Risk Manager solution for policy data and document management. Users could streamline and automate insurance program management and have deeper visibility into their insurance program. 

8. Held our second company offsite 

Although our company is fully remote, we can’t deny how special it is to be able to connect with one another in person. We were able to do that back in October in the Windy City for our company’s second offsite!  

We kicked off the offsite by getting to know one another in a way that we can’t behind a screen on Zoom and celebrating our colleagues’ personal milestones. We then looked back on what we’ve accomplished in the past year as a company, reviewed our company’s core values to ensure that each of us stayed aligned in how we operated, and planned strategically for where we wanted our company to go.  

Although our offsite was short, the time we spent together was inspiring and powerful. As a company, we left feeling more connected to one another and more focused and energized about our work. It’s safe to say we all can’t wait for the next company offsite!  

9. Created a shared vision of our company’s future 

If a company doesn’t have a shared vision, then the likelihood of failure is high. Our company wants to avoid this fate at all costs. This is why we made creating a shared vision a focus at our company offsite we mentioned above. We shared with one another what our vision for the company looked like and then formulated a single vision that we could all agree on. We then worked together to collectively come up with business strategies to support our goals, and planned out the execution, timeline, and resources to be able to get to where we wanted to. As a company, we understand that there’s a lot of work to be done but we are excited about where our united efforts will take us.  

10. Named as one of the best places to work in insurance 

Last but not least, we were named in Business Insurance’s Annual Best Places to Work in Insurance list. You can find the official ranking here. The award recognizes employers for their outstanding performance in establishing workplaces where employees can thrive, enjoy their work, and help their companies grow. The award is a testament to the culture we’ve built at LineSlip.  

2022 was a momentous year in the history of LineSlip. Together, we accomplished even more than we initially set out to do. It was truly one for the books!  

How did your year stack up? 


Looking Ahead for LineSlip


Frequently Asked Questions About LineSlip Part Two