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The Untapped Potential of Aggregating Insurance Data for Private Equity Professionals
The potential unlocked through insurance intelligence is unparalleled. However, the first step to gaining insurance intelligence is to aggregate data in a meaningful way. In this blog post, we will explore the compelling benefits private equity professionals can harness by leveraging data aggregation from insurance documents.
Risk Management Strategies: Transforming the Broker Partnership
In the world of risk management and insurance, the partnership between risk managers and brokers is one of the most important relationships. As a fitting finale to the first season of Unparalleled, we embark on a compelling exploration of this pivotal relationship. Dylan Lomax, an expert in both the brokerage and private equity space here at LineSlip, will be joining our host, Laurie Solomon, for a conversation on the evolving nature of the relationship as the risk landscape continues to change.
Best Practices for Reconciling Your Insurance Coverage with Your Building’s Replacement Cost
In the last few years, economic conditions, labor shortages, supply chain issues, and natural disasters have greatly impacted the commercial property market. The methods risk managers relied on in the past are now insufficient in keeping up with today’s market. In this blog, we share some strategies and best practices for coming up with accurate replacement costs for your properties to ensure that you’re adequately insured.
Risk Management Practices That Drive Growth
As we are nearing the end of our first season of Unparalleled, we are bringing back a familiar face to the podcast. DeAnn Backus, a Strategic Account Manager at LineSlip, is joining us for another episode to share her observations of the risk management space, from common challenges to trends. She goes on to shed light on the evolving landscape of risk management and the pivotal role of technology in addressing its challenges.
Is a Captive Right for Your Organization?
During hard markets (such as the one we are in now), the prospect of self-insurance becomes more appealing for many organizations since they won’t be as reliant on market conditions. One of the most common ways organizations can self-insure and stabilize their risk transfer costs is to form a captive. In today’s blog, we want to help you determine whether captives are right for your organization. We’ll be delving into the different types of captives, the benefits of forming one, and other important considerations.
My One-Year Journey Navigating the World of Insurance and Startup Life
Our Content Marketing Director, Diane Tang, just hit her 1-year mark working at LineSlip. Today, she will be sharing the insights and wisdom she has gained from working at an insurtech startup in the past year.
Release: LineSlip Announces True Replacement Cost Feature to Address Stale Replacement Cost Assumptions and Associated Problems
LineSlip Solutions has announced its True Replacement Cost feature, an addition to its real estate offering. The new feature provides trusted, accurate replacement cost data for clients managing insurance for commercial properties, which helps them maintain an appropriate coverage-to-exposure ratio.
Revolutionizing Insurance Reporting: Introducing the LineSlip’s Financial Reporting
We are thrilled to unveil the latest addition to the LineSlip platform: the Financial Reporting update! Read our latest product update to learn how this update can transform the way you manage financial reporting.
The Importance of Verifying Replacement Cost Data in Commercial Real Estate
In the last few years, inflation and a number of other factors have drastically increased rebuilding costs. Due to the unpredictable economic environment, it’s imperative for risk managers to verify replacement cost data for their properties to ensure they have adequate coverage.
Integrating Corporate Risk Management with DEI
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) have emerged as critical topics in today’s corporate landscape. For our eighth episode of Unparalleled, we have James Curbeam joining us for a conversation on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI).
Ensuring Business Continuity by Preserving Institutional Knowledge
In the last few years, the risk management industry has experienced a tremendous shuffle as many professionals retired or moved to different companies. When these professionals leave their companies, they take with them decades of experience and invaluable institutional knowledge with them, leaving their previous employers vulnerable. It is now imperative for companies to enhance their efforts in preserving institutional knowledge as workers come and go.
Expert Answers for Top Risk Management Questions
Today, we’re switching things up a bit for this podcast episode. We hosted a Q&A session where we answered our listeners’ biggest questions. Tune into the Q&A session to find out how Laurie answered the questions we received from our listeners!
The Risks of Underinsuring Your Commercial Real Estate Assets
In the face of high inflation rates and increasing natural catastrophes, more businesses are facing higher property losses as rebuilding costs have skyrocketed. More than ever, it’s essential that risk managers take the initiative to ensure that their company’s valuations are up-to-date and in line with inflation rates. By doing so, they can help their company be protected from property losses and avoid carriers’ penalties.
Maximizing Returns, Minimizing Effort: How LineSlip Can Provide Value for Private Equity
Private equity companies operate in a fast-paced environment where managing multiple portfolio companies and their associated risks is a top priority. In such a complex landscape, having a comprehensive view of the insurance programs across the entire portfolio becomes crucial. In this blog post, we'll explore why LineSlip is the perfect insurance tool for private equity companies and how it can revolutionize their operations.
Overcoming Challenges with Risk Management Solutions
In our latest episode of Unparalleled, we have DeAnn Backus joining us. DeAnn is a Strategic Account Manager at LineSlip. Because of her role, she has a unique perspective into what risk managers are like, their challenges, and what they need. Thus, she is the perfect person to give us an inside look into risk managers.
3 Key Takeaways from the 2023 RMIS Report
Last month, Redhand Advisors published their highly anticipated 2023 RMIS Report. The report offers a fascinating look into the risk technology industry. Here are our three biggest takeaways from the report!
Risk Management Trends to Follow for the Second Half of 2023
In a world where change is constant, staying ahead of the curve is no longer a luxury but a necessity. One way risk professionals can stay ahead of the curve is by keeping up with industry trends and adapting their risk management practices as needed. As we’re approaching the second half of the year, here are some of the biggest trends that will shape the risk management landscape.
My First Month at Lineslip: Discovering the Power of Insurance Intelligence
Our new Product Marketing Director, Jonathan Svilar, just hit his 1-month mark at LineSlip. Today, he will be sharing his experience at LineSlip and his thoughts on the product.
The State of Cyber Risks and Insurance
It’s indisputable that cyber attacks have become more prevalent and sophisticated. Yet, affordable and comprehensive cyber insurance is difficult to get a hold of. In this blog, we will be sharing the state of cyber risks and insurance, and then share some tips on how risk managers can demonstrate to insurers their commitment to cybersecurity.
Aligning Risk Management Systems with Business Success
On our fourth episode of Unparalleled, we have Loren Crannell, Director of Global Risk and Insurance at Juul, join us for a conversation about the future of risk management. He shares insights into strategies that will set risk managers up for success.